Friday, April 27, 2012

Im Standing On WOOD!

Kentucky Slave House… This place has been through a lot. Its been through murders and of course… Slavery. I would have to say, this episode is my favorite because I hate slavery and I’m totally against it. And that is also why Abe Lincoln is my favorite president, but anyway this place is very important.

The Kentucky Slave house is owned by Jerry Gore, a descendant of a former slave. He has turned his house into a museum of the old slavery, so we can remember America’s biggest sin. Jerry is a HUGE believer in God. Jerry sings these beautiful songs. One song goes, “Keep your hand on the plow and hold on, hold on” That song means that when the goings get tough, just keep your head held high and you can get through it. Some of his examples were, if you see your brother, sister, or parent being sold to a new slave owner, you just got to keep going through this rough part in their life. Jerry actually helped solve a mystery for Zak, Nick, and Aaron. Aaron got an EVP that said, “…I’m standing on wood…” “…on WOOD…” It was a female and then a male. When the Ghost Adventures Crew showed Jerry this after the lockdown, he said it was a song. He said that these slaves loved nature and what Mother Nature did. Wood is on trees and trees are nature and that saying of the EVP was a song.

Kentucky Slave House - Photo 8

Now, Zak, Nick, and Aaron were interviewing Nachee and Asonacade. When Nachee was talking about what she experienced that happened to her down stairs, this door behind them slowly crept shut. When Nick told Zak about the door, Zak got up to check for any air vents or drafts, but there was nothing. That was unexplained.
Nachee and Asonacade went downs stairs with the crew and started to pour libations. The people that came to watch were Zak, Nick, Aaron, Jerry, and a lady that sang a song in the episode. Pouring libations is when you pour a liquid; in this case it was water, to honor the spirits that once lived down in the basement. Zak said it was VERY emotional and he has never felt that way before.
When the locked down started, everything was calm, but then everything started to get all wound up. The room where a man committed suicide had a rem-pod in it and it started going crazy. Then, When Zak was sitting by a hole in the wall that led to the attic, Aaron heard someone running up the stairs. Zak next went down to the basement and said to some trapped spirits, “No more violence, No more pain.” And then the spirit said, “Just give us a chance.” This proves that the spirit is trapped and scared of what might happen next.
Kentucky Slave House - Photo 11
These spirits in the Kentucky slave house have been through a lot. Zak, Nick, and Aaron would know when they can feel the spirits feelings, like Zak at Povaglia or Preston Castle… but that’s for another time (:. Like I said before, it’s not easy being a ghost hunter.

Kentucky Slave House - Photo 3

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